Thursday, 21 July 2011

This month's Sur in English - South Island New Zealand

If you go to the link below, you can see today's coverage, in Sur in English,  of my visit to South Island New Zealand including earthquake-hit Christchurch:

My material is featured on pages 34-39. 

Sur will feature Norfolk Island next month, before I start heading homewards across the United States with San Francisco due to be featured in September.

This 'Around the World in 60 days' blog itself continues to attract a new audience, with over 8,253 people now reading it - 279 more from the USA this week alone!

I continue to do radio interviews about the trip on both the BBC in the UK and on commercial radio stations in Spain.

Once again, may I pass on my grateful thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of 'Around the World in 60 Days'.